Tuesday, October 13, 2009


FRNC 102

Faites votre propre présentation PowerPoint ou votre vidéo clip de la chanson Sympathique de Pink Martini en chantant seulement le refrain .
Ecoutez la chanson ici : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLaY4aksfRo

1 comment:

  1. As every day I keep watching tv5 because it’s really interesting and I get a lots of benefit while I watch the tv5, it has never been ever a waste of time, today I saw a program that was very nice, I would like to talk about it. The program was about the chine’s life style, most of them eating the sea food, its its very healthy and by the way it’s not expensive at all in their country not like the other countries, their country is famous in the different kind of tea, the Chinese tea has a lots of kinds, some are for losing weight and others are for having a fast digestion etc .. one thing I notices from the program that I sow in the tv5, that the noodles and the rice is very important the Chinese people meal, because it contain a lots fibers that give power to compensate the life work of the day, one of the thing that I noticed about them that they are very tidy people and they have a lots of population, so that they are not allowed to bring more than to kids in each family. Tv5 is very interesting Chanel I will never stop watching the tv5 channel. :)

    Noura Al-Mufarreh (auk - frnc 101)
    prfissor Joseph
