Sunday, October 20, 2013

Les nuits du cinéma français

Chères amies, chers amis, C’est avec grand plaisir que l’Institut français de Koweït vous invite aux « nuits du cinéma » qui se dérouleront les 21, 22 et 23 octobre prochain sur le thème de la cuisine française. Nous vous donnons rendez-vous lundi 21 octobre à 19h00 au Cinescape Laïla pour la projection du film « Les saveurs du palais ». Pour connaître l’ensemble du programme je vous inviter à consulter l’affiche en pièce-jointe. En espérant vous compter parmi nous. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer, Geneviève Renouf Chargée de mission culturelle / Responsable Campus France

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dana Raslan passe le DELF A1 avec succès

Dana raslan vient de recevoir son diplôme du DELF A1. , Elle obtenu des scores excellents avec une moyenne totale de 91%. Et cela, après un semestre seulement de français à l'université. Bravo Dana !

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Une expérience mémorable par Mona Al Sharrah, lauréate de la bourse linguistique 2012

A Memorable Experience- Two Weeks of Bliss! What would you do if you had the opportunity to travel to France and be a part of an institution there to learn French? Attending classes everyday at university, some days looking forward for class and other days just wanting it to end so you could go back home to sleep, go out, have lunch, or anything else. Mostly, it's the same routine every day. However, imagine on one of those days your professor walks into class and announces that one of the students in that class you are in, has the opportunity to go to France and become a part of an institution to learn French. Well, that’s what my French professor, Joseph Fiannaca, had announced. We were asked to write the reason he should pick us and why we would like to go. I thought why not go for it?! I went back home, wrote a letter, and gave it in during class. That's what several girls had done. After probably a week or two I was told that I had been chosen! It was surreal! I was absolutely excited and thrilled! I started imagining all the things I will do in France, the people I'm going to encounter, the places I will visit, I also imagined myself coming back from France being able to speak French fluently! Later on, my mum and I went to l'institut du Français in Jabriya (previously known as Institut Voltaire) in order to choose an area in France to stay in and an institution in that area. We ended up picking Paris! The chosen institution was "Elfe École de Langue Française" which gained a worldwide reputation in teaching French as a foreign language to adults in small groups of 6 people maximum. Madame Sadia, the institution's director, helped us pick a place and was helpful in facilitating some matters for us. I disliked the idea of staying with a host family therefore my parents and sisters decided to come with me to France. Who would want to miss out on such a trip anyway?! Even though we've been there several times, one definite thing is that one never gets bored or used to going to France. That’s how stunning this country is! On the 7th of July we arrived to what is known as the "City of Lights," Paris. Although it was the summer, the weather was far from that. It was freezing! I was preparing myself for the next morning; papers I had to take, pen, outfit, etc. I had all sorts of emotions and thoughts crossing my mind. I was excited, scared, and worried about how it was going to be like and how the people I was going to meet were going to be like. On the 8th of July, my first day at the institution, my mum and I woke up very early to look for the institution. The fact that my mum spoke French made matters go smoother and easier. We asked for directions and took the metro. My institution was on the street Montmartre, which I found beautiful. My mum and I entered the institution and I was placed in a room with several people. We were spoken to individually to determine which level we should be placed in. The professors working there were very sweet. After we were all placed in the levels we were supposed to be in, classes started. My classmates were very friendly and kind. Yoshiko, Makoto, and Reika were from Japan, Yeray was from Spain, and Ting was from China. They all wanted to learn French for different reasons. I loved my class a lot and constantly looked forward to going. I really liked my French professor, Marianne. In addition, the 101 and 102 courses that I took with Professor Joseph Fiannaca made me capable of understanding the French language more. But when I started taking classes at the Elf institute and interacting with French speakers, I felt that I can respond better when being talked to in French because everyone around me spoke French only. My mum only went with me the first 3 days, after that I had to depend on myself. I learnt how to go to the institution alone. The best thing about using the metro was it made me feel like the citizens who used it for their everyday life. It is an efficient way of moving around France. I went on a couple of excursions with those people who joined the institution the same day I did. We walked a lot! For hours actually! At the time, however, I didn’t feel like I walked a lot. The weather was so beautiful and so was the environment and people around. We went to the Louvre using the RER (a train a bit bigger and faster than the metro), Centre Georges Pompidou, and walked around Rue Rivoli (a street in Paris). On one of the days I went to the excursion, the instructors in charge left us in the middle of nowhere and I had to find my way back home. Surely it was frightening as I had to look for the nearest metro, but once I got to the metro I recognized some areas plus luckily I had the skills to ask for directions and I understood what they said. Because of that, I was able to get back home on time. When I arrived I felt like I accomplished something immense! I was proud of myself! The students I was with were all from different countries: Belgium, America, Switzerland, Germany, Britain, and Spain. I truly loved them all despite the short amount of time I knew them in. I was asked about Kuwait and how it was like living in it and about Muslims and the "hijab"- headscarf worn by Muslim women. I didn’t think they were racists at all. They were nothing but sweet and the two Belgium boys I had met were educated 17 year olds who read the newspaper and had some information about the Arab countries. They were not close-minded or ignorant at all towards the Islamic religion or towards the Middle-East like some people think they are. I also visited several places with my family such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame, Sacré-Cœur, Moulin Rouge, walked around the famous street, Champs-Elysees, and went to other places as well. On my last day at the institution, I received a certificate. This trip was one of the best trips of my life. It was truly one of the greatest experiences ever. I loved the fact that I met different people of different ages, countries, and backgrounds! It was the best French scholarship experience ever and I'm extremely thankful and pleased that I had the opportunity to go and that I went for it and wrote the letter to Professor Joseph. I would do it all over again! It is one of those times I would want to rewind and go back to!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Foire aux livres à l'IF le 11 mai 2013

Chers amis francophones, L’Institut français du Koweït organisera une foire aux livres le samedi 11 mai 2013 de 10h00 à 18h00 sans interruption à l’Ambassade de France. Nous vous invitons à consulter le fichier ci-joint pour plus de détails et espérons vous voir nombreux à cet évènement. Bien cordialement, L’équipe de l’Institut français du Koweït

Ganga Mix à GUST lundi 6 mai 2013

Chers amis de l’Institut français du Koweït,Dear Friends of the French Institute in Kuwait, (English bellow) A l'occasion de la Fête de la musique, l'Institut français du Koweït a le plaisir de vous inviter à un spectacle-évènement construit autour de la rencontre entre 2 musiciens et 1 peintre francais : Ganga Mix avec Heol Grand amphithéâtre de l’Université GUST(Campus de Mishref) Lundi 6 mai 2013 19hoo : Exposition d’étudiants de GUST et concerts de groupes locaux19h30 : Spectacle de Ganga Mix avec Heol entrée libre et gratuite Le spectacle « Ganga Mix avec Heol » associe 2 musiciens et 1 peintre francais afin de créer un espace de dialogue entre différentes formes d’art. Le duo de musiciens crée un son hybride en mélangeant différentes influences allant des musiques du monde au jazz en passant par les musiques électroniques. En interaction avec la musique, l'artiste peintre Heol réalise une fresque haute en couleurs. Ganga MixPierre Yves Prothais: Compositeur, batterie, calebasse, voixNounours: Trompette, claviersHeol : Peintre Cet événement est organisé en partenariat avec l’Université GUST et grâce au soutien de GULF Bank. Pour plus d'informations, suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux : Facebook: Institut français du Koweit Twitter : IFKoweitInstagram : if_koweitOuevents@institutfrancais-koweit.comT espérant vous voir nombreux, L’équipe de l’Institut français Good morning. The French Institute has the pleasure to invite you to a unique event which is built around the encounter between 2 french musicians and a live painter. Ganga Mix feat.Heol At amphitheatre GUST University(Mishref Campus) Monday, May 6, 2013 7 PM: Art exhibition by GUST students and local bands performance7:30 PM: Live concert by Ganga Mix feat.Heol Free Admission « Ganga Mix feat.Heol » is built around the meeting between two musicians and a live painter from France in order to create interaction with different artistic forms. The duet of French musicians creates a hybrid beat by mixing world rhythms, jazz influences and electronic samples, with improvisation while Heol performs live painting. Ganga MixPierre Yves Prothais: Composeur, drum, calabash, voiceNounours: Trumpet, keyboardHeol: Painter This event is organized with the support of the Gust University and has been made possible thanks to the sponsoring of GULF Bank. For more information, follow us on social networks: Facebook: Institut français du Koweit Twitter : IFKoweitInstagram : if_koweitOrevents@institutfrancais-koweit.comT

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Projet Afnan-FRNC 101

Concert Barou Trio-Samedi 12 janvier

Chers amis de l’Institut français du Koweït, Dear Friends of the French Institute in Kuwait, (English bellow) L'Institut français du Koweït et le Conseil koweitien pour la Culture, les Arts et les Lettres ont le plaisir de vous inviter au concert du Trio Sylvain Barou qui se déroulera dans le cadre du 19ème festival d’Al Qurain. Concert du Trio Sylvain Barou sur la scène de la Bibliothèque nationale (Kuwait National Library – Gulf Road) le samedi 12 janvier à 19h30 entrée libre et gratuite Sylvain Barou est aujourd'hui considéré comme un des meilleurs flûtistes de sa génération. Bien que son domaine de prédilection reste la musique celtique, pour lequel il est reconnu dans le monde entier, il n'hésite pas à s'aventurer aussi dans le vaste océan de la musique modale en incorporant avec magie et originalité des influences indiennes, turques et persanes dans son jeu. Invité par l’Institut français du Koweït et le Conseil koweitien pour la Culture, les Arts et les Lettres, le Sylvain Barou Trio vous propose un spectacle construit autour d’un répertoire original mêlant sonorités celtiques, jazz et orientales. Sylvain Barou Trio Sylvain Barou : Flûtes Julien Stevenin : Contrebasse Ronan Pellen: Cistre Pour plus d’informations, suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux : Facebook : Institut français du Koweit Twitter : @IFKoweit Instagram : if_koweit Ou T En espérant vous voir nombreux, L’équipe de l’Institut français du Koweit. === Good evening. The French Institute of Kuwait and the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters have the pleasure to invite you to the concert of Sylvain Barou Trio which will be held on the occasion of the 19th edition of the Al-Qurain Cultural Festival. Concert of Trio Sylvain Barou At the Kuwait National Library – Gulf Road On Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 7:30PM Free Admission Sylvain Barou, from France is considered one of the best flute players of his generation. Playing mainly celtic music, he has been also strongly influenced by sufi music, from Turkey and Iran in particular. Invited by National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters and the French Institute of Kuwait, Sylvain Barou Trio will perform a show built around an original repertoire combining celtic, jazz and oriental influences. Sylvain Barou Trio Sylvain Barou : Flutes Julien Stevenin : Double bass Ronan Pellen: Cittern For further information, follow us on the social networks: Facebook : Institut français du Koweit Twitter : @IFKoweit Instagram : if_koweit Or T Best regards, Le service culturel de l’Institut francais du Koweit Jabriyah / Block 12 – St. 6 – Villa 41 PO Box 1037 – Safat 13011 / Kuwait T +965. F +965. INSTITUT FRANÇAIS Koweït Ambassade de France au Koweït / French Embassy in Kuwait Facebook : Institut français du Koweït Twitter : @IFKoweit